Google search engine optimisation and their 80/20 rule

Online search engine optimisation or optimization (with a 'z' or is that 'zee' if your from throughout 'the pond') techniques are continuously progressing. This development is in reaction to the advancement of search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Google in particular has become viewed as the most sophisticated and advanced online search engine as it is equipped with a range of anti-spam technology.

Google's enhancing use of anti-spam functions has actually indicated that optimising websites for Google has actually become much harder and it's now not simply a case of opening your websites source files in notepad, adding some keywords into your different HTML tags, publishing your files and waiting for the results. In fact in my opinion and I make certain others will agree with me, this type of optimisation, commonly described as onpage optimisation will only ever be 20 % efficient at achieving rankings for any keywords which are even mildly competitive. Those people who aced mathematics in school will understand this leaves us with 80 % unaccounted for.

This 80 % represents offpage optimization. Offpage optimization is all to do with the amount of links pointing to your site and its pages, the actual linking text (anchor text) of these links and the quality of the pages which the links are on. Offpage optimisation is now for sure the extremely controling element which chooses where a website will rank in Google. That then is what I indicate by the 80/20 guideline, I'm not discussing the pareto rule which indicates that in anything a couple of (20 percent) are important and many (80 percent) are insignificant, I'm unsure that applies to SEO.

What is the logic behind this then, why does Google give a lot 'weight' (80 %) to offpage optimization efforts therefore little (20 %) to onpage optimisation. Well basically it is everything about the quality of their results. Whereas onpage optimisation is completely controlled by the webmaster and can therefore be abused by an unscrupulous one, offpage optimisation is something that is not managed by anybody as such by rather by other web designers, sites and undoubtedly the Internet in general. This implies that it is much more difficult to conduct any underhanded or spammy offpage optimisation techniques in the hope of acquiring an unreasonable advantage for a site in the Google marketing company london SERPS (Search Engine Outcome Pages), this does not mean it is impossible though.

Let's elaborate for a paragraph or two just why offpage elements such as incoming links are considered by Google to be such an excellent step of significance, hence making offpage optimisation the most reliable method of optimisation by far. Take the anchor text of incoming links for example, if Google sees a link from WEBSITE A to SITE B with the actual linking text being the words 'data recuperation london', then WEBSITE B has actually simply ended up being more relavent and hence most likely to appear higher in the rankings when somebody look for 'information recovery london'. WEBSITE B has no control over WEBSITE A (in most cases ...) and Google knows this. Google can then take a look at the link text and say to itself, why would SITE A connect to SITE B with the certain words 'data healing london' if WEBSITE B had not been 'about' 'data healing london', there is no response so Google need to deem SITE B to be 'about' 'data healing london'.

I said 'most of the times' above because typically web designers have several sites and would crosslink them with keyword rich anchor text, however there is only numerous websites and crosslinks any webmaster can handle, once more Google knows this and so as the variety of backlinks and events of keyword rich anchor text grows (and with that grows the unlikelihood of anything abnormal like crosslinking going on) so to does the significance of the site which all the backlinks indicate. Picture hundreds or thousands of websites all linking to a website X with variations of 'information healing london' type expressions as the connecting text, well then Google can be quite dam sure that website X is 'about' 'information recovery london' and feel confident about returning it in the top 10 results. This is why they put so much importance (80 %) on offpage ranking factors such as links; they are merely the most trusted way of checking what a website is about and indeed how well it covers exactly what it is about. This dependence on hard to cheat offpage elements is exactly what produces the quality search engine result all of us know, like and make use of everyday.

The ethical of the story from an SEO viewpoint then is to invest less time on those little website tweaks which you believe may make a big difference (but won't) and work hard on what really counts, what truly counts is how the web 'sees' your website, the more quality (keyword rich) inbound links your website has the better the webs 'see' will be and therefore the much better Google's view of your site will be. What Google thinks about your site is essential, as they 'look after' websites which they like.